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EO - 1987

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
Office of Marine and Wildlife Resources
EO # 001-1987
Marine & Wildlife Resources
Article IV, §6 of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Changing of name from Office of Marine Resources to Office of Marine and Wildlife Resources.
Fiscal Control Measures for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 1987
EO # 002-1987
Human Resources
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Expired at the end of FY 1987
Control the process of different personal actions.
Establishment of the American Samoa Government Downtown Design Review Board
EO # 003-1987
Downtown Design Review Board
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Repealed by EO 08-1993
This board will review all offers submitted in response to the ASG announcements of the commercial development of land in Fagatogo.
Establishment of the American Samoa Fagatogo Commercial Development Evaluation Board
EO # 004-1987
Fagatogo Commercial Development Evaluation Board
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Repealed by EO 08-1993
Review recommendations of the Downtown Design Review Board regarding proposals received for commercial development of Fagatogo, make recommendation and has the sole authority to select an offer or offers received for development of the Fagatogo area.
Hurricane Tusi Major Disaster Program
EO # 005-1987
Hurricane Tusi
A.S.C.A. §26.0105(g)(1)
This Executive Order clarifies and supplements the emergency management response and recovery phases of the declaration of major disaster declared by the President of the United States on January 24, 1987 as a result of Hurricane Tusi which struck the Manu'a Islands on January 17, 1987
Establishment of the ASG Vehicle Policies and Procedures Committee; Reorganization of the Motor Pool
EO # 006-1987
Vehicle Policies
A.S.C.A. §4.1001
Amended by EO 04-1989
Carries out specific powers and duties prescrived in General Memorandum No. 44-1987 pertaining the unauthorized use of government vehicles and assist in the full implementation of this General Memorandum.
Petroleum Storage
EO # 007-1987
Petroleum Storage
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Collect terminal fees of $0.01 on each gallon of petroleum products put through the American Samoa Government tank farm facilities.
American Samoa Emergency Response Commission
EO # 008-1987
Response Commission
Federal Act
Commission designates emergency planning distincts to facilitate preparation and implementation of emergency plans.
Appointment of Mr. Papaali'itele Jack E. Thompson to serve as government representative under the local government for Swains Island
EO # 009-1987
A.S.C.A. §§5.0401, 5.0402, and 5.0403
Repealed by EO 013-1987
Deal with and recognized spokesman to deal with the needs of Swains Island in the event of a disaster or an emergency.
Imposition of Temporary Petroleum Storage Facilities Terminal Fee Recission of EO 7-1987
EO # 010-1987
Petroleum Storage Facilities
Repeals EO 07-1987
Charge and collect fees for the use of Petroleum Storage Facilities Terminal Fee.
Establishment of the American Samoa Government Real Property Management Board
EO # 011-1987
Property Management Board
EO 16-1986, EO 04-1987
Repeals EO 016-1986; Amended by EO 008-1993, 015-1993 and EO 11-1987
This board reviews all Government owned property and develop a proposal for implementing a comprehensive system of management. They ensure the proposed system balances the Government's regulatory interest in real property use.
Repeal of Executive Order No. 2-1979 (Rule No. 6-79) and Chapter 3 of Title 25 American Samoa Administrative Code
EO # 012-1987
Administrative Code
Chapter 3 of Title 25 ASAC
Repeals EO 02-1979
Cancel of Chapter 3 of Title 25 ASAC pertaining to control of stray dogs.
Clarification of duties of Swain's Island Government Representative Rescission of EO 9-1987
EO # 013-1987
Swains Island Government Representative
A.S.C.A. §§5.0401 through 5.0403
Repeals EO 09-1987
He will the representative for Swains Island, enforce the law of the United States and American Samoa in Swains Island, enforce Village regulations, advise Governor as the health, education, safety and welfare, and insure the people of Swains Island continue to enjoy the rights, privileges and immunities accorded to them by the laws of the US and American Samoa.
Adoption of the Hazard Mitigation Plan
EO # 014-1987
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Article IV, §6 of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §26.0105(b)
The Hazard Mitigation Plan prepares and adopt to assess the risks, identify alternative opportunities to mitigate hazards, and develop appropriate strategies to eliminate or reduce risks with Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Termination of Energy Emergency
EO # 015-1987
Energy Emergency
15.0503 ASCA
Repeals EO 05-1986
Terminate the EO 5-1986
Establishment of the American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency
EO # 016-1987
Environmental Protection Agency
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Amends EO 012-1985
Supervise, enforce, and carry out the consolidated environmental program emcompasses water pollution control, safe drinking water, solid and hazardous waste, air pollution control, pesticides use and certification, and environmental awareness and education.
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