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EO - 1989

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
Hurricane Tusi Major Disaster Program
EO # 001-1989
Disaster Program
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Repeals EO 05-1987
Designating the Lieutenant Governor as the Emergency Coordinator and State Coordinating Officer for the Major Disaster, declarred by the President of the United States on January 24, 1987 as a result of Hurricane Tusi which struck the Manu'a Islands on January 17-1987
Hospital Authority Task Force
EO # 002-1989
Task Force
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
This Task Force conwill duct a study on the feasibility of a semi-autonomous hospital authority to administer the operations of the LBJ Tropical Medical Center of the American Samoa Government, and shall report its finding and recommendations to the Governor. Every report shall be submitted to the Governor.
Basic Policy Statement for the Provision of Early Intervention Services to Handicapped Infants and Toddlers
EO # 003-1989
Basic Policy Statement
Repealed by EO 009-1990; Repealed by EO 05-1989
Provide Programs for Children from to birth to age 2 who are experiencing diagnosed development delay in cognitive development, physical development, language and speech development.
Transfer of Motor Pool to Department of Public Works
EO # 004-1989
Department of Public Works
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Amends EO 06-1987
The Motor Pool of the Government is transferred to the Department of Public Works to be under the immediate director and supervision of the Director of Public Works
Basic Policy Statement for the Provision of Early Intervention Services to Handicapped Infants and Toddlers
EO # 005-1989
Policy Statement
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa; Public Law 99-457
Repealed by EO 009-1990; Repeals EO 03-1989
Supercedes Executive Order 3/1989
Establishment of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council
EO # 006-1989
Advisory Council
A.S.C.A. Title 45; A.S.C.A. §4.1002
Advise, Recommend legislation, advise the Criminal Justice Planning Agency on matters concerning improvement of treatments for neglected children, monitor and evaluate programs and projects aimed at reducing crime and delinquency.
Cost Reduction and Containment Measures for FY 1990 and Establishment of Task Force to Monitor Compliance
EO # 007-1989
Task Force
A.S.A.C. §4.0410(4)(g)
Mandates specific actions to be take by all agencies to reinstitute financial deiscipline throughout government.
Transfer of M/V Mata'ala
EO # 008-1989
M/V Mata'ala
Revised Constitution and law of American Samo
Repeals EO 008-1985
Transferring the M/V Mata'ala to Port Administration.

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Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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