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EO - 1990

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
Reduction of Working Hours
EO # 001-1990
Working Hours
Repealed by EO 07-1990
Allows employees on two-year contracts with ASG - doctors, nurses, and other medical staff required to man shifts on a 24 hours basis, police officers and ASPA employees providing power generation for the Territory. Other ASG employees not covered in the above categories will be required to work 36 hours a week.
American Samoa Community College
EO # 002-1990
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§16.2002 and 16.2004
Provide an opportunity for this type of development to take place.
Designation of the American Samoa Criminal Justice Planning Agency as Sole Agency to Administer Justice Assistance and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Programs
EO # 003-1990
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Repealed by EO 05-1990
They supervise, prepare, and adminster the Formula and Block Grant Programs for Justice Assistance and Jevnile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and rescinded.
Establishment of Emergency Price Control Measures and Board of Emergency Price Control
EO # 004-1990
Hurricane Ofa
Article IV of the REvised Constituion of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§26.0105 and 4.0303
Repealed by EO 06-1990
Simply to help in situation that requires cooperation and understanding toward our concerted effort and mission to assist and help the people of American Samoa, to recovery, especially those who have been seriously affected by the results of a hurricane.
Termination of Executive Order No. 03-1990, Designation of the Amreican Samoa Criminal Justice PLanning Agency as Sole Agency to Administer Justice Assistance and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Programs.
EO # 005-1990
Article IV, §6 of the REvised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0312(a)
Repeals EO 03-1990
Terminating and Cancelling the authority of Executive Order No. 03-1990 that gave
Termination of Executive Order No. 04-1990 Ending the State of Emergency in the Territory created by Hurricane Ofa, and Entering into the State of Recovery.
EO # 006-1990
Hurricane Ofa
Article IV of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§26.0105 and 4.0303
Repeals EO 04-1990
No longer using the State of Emergency in the Territory created by Hurricane Ofa
Retroactive, normal 80 hour pay period is reinstated for all American Samoa Government Employees.
EO # 007-1990
ASG Employees
Repeals EO 01-1990
Reinstate the 80-Hour Pay for American Samoa Government Employees.
Establishment of Archaeological Park in Tafuna near Fatuoaiga Church
EO # 008-1990
Archaeological Park
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Establishing of the Tafuna ae a archaeological Park near Fatuoaiga Catholic Church
Basic Policy Statement for the Provision of Early Intervention Services to Handicapped Infants and Toddlers.
EO # 009-1990
Early Intervention Services to Handicapped Infants and Toddlers
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
Repeals EO 03-1989 and OE 05-1989
Provide Programs and helps children from birth to age 2 to receive regular and systematic evaluation to determine their eligibility for this program.
Application of ASPA Personnel Regulations to Employees of the Water and Wastewater Utility Division of ASPA
EO # 010-1990
Article Iv, §6 of the Revised Costitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§15.0105, 16.0101 et. seq., and 4.2001 et. seq.
Regulations to allow employees of the ASPA Water and Wastewater Utility Division to be assigned, transferred, compensated, disciplined and terminated in an uniform manner under the same laws and regulations.
Establish of Non-Expendablle Properties Task Force
EO # 011-1990
Non-Expandable Task Force
Article IV of the Revised Constitution of American Samoa A.S.C.A. §14.0303
This Task Force was establish to investigate audit report from the U.S. Inspector General's Office of American Samoa Government properties for the pervious 4 years.
Procedure for Initiating Employment Contracts with the AMerican Samoa Government
EO # 012-1990
Employment Contracts
Article IV, §§6 and 7 of the Revised Constitution of American samoa
Makes the Department of Human Resources responsible for initiating and executing employment contracts.

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Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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