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EO - 1998
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EO #
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An Order Establishing the Office of Property Management and Separating the Function of Property Management from the Office of Proceurement.
EO # 001-1998
OPM Property Procurement
A.S.C.A § 12.0209, EO 011-1987, and EO 008-1993
Separates OPM from Procurement and establishes a Chief Property Management Officer.
An Order Establishing the American Samoa Telecommunications Authority (A.S.T.C.A.)
EO # 002-1998
Federal Telecommications Act of 1934 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, A.S.C.A. Title 7 and A.S.A.C. Title 4
Amended by EO 005-1998 and EO 003-1998
Redesignates the Office of Communications as ASTCA.
An Order Amending Executive Order No. 02-1998, which Established the American Samoa Telecommunication Authority (ASTCA)
EO # 003-1998
Federal Telecommications Act of 1934 and the Telecommunications act of 1996
Amended by EO 008-2017 and EO 005-1998; Amends EO 002-1998
Amends EO 02-1998 which established the ASTCA, amended for a five member ASTCA Board.
An Order Requiring Net Petroleum Terminal Base Rents to be Transferred to the General Fund of the American Samoa Government Treasury
EO # 004-1998
EO 007-1993
Amended by EO 007-1998
Direct payment of net petroleum terminal base rents to the General Fund of the American Samoa Government Treasury.
An Order Amending Executive Order No. 02-1998 and Executive Order No. 03-1998 Dealing with the American Samoa Telecommunications Authority
EO # 005-1998
Federal Telecommications Act of 1934 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Amends EO 002-1998 and EO 003-1998; Amended by EO 008-2017 and EO 016-1996
Amend EO 02-1998, change the acronym which the ASTCA is referred to from ASTA to ASTCA in order to distinguish the Authority from a similar sorporate name.
An Order Establishing the Office of Petroleum Management and Revoking EO 07-1993
EO # 006-1998
A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Repeals EO 007-1993
Achieve more effective management of the Governments Petroleum facilities and related assets, to create the Office of Petroleum Management as an Agency within the Executive Branch, and to revoke EO 07-1993.
An Order Amending Executive Order No. 04-1998 to require that Net Petroleum Terminal Base REnts Transferred to the General Fund of the American Samoa Government Treasury be placed in a Special Account.
EO # 007-1998
EO 007-1993 and EO 004-1998
Amends EO 004-1998
Amend and Supplement EO 04-1998 to specify that net petroleum terminal base rents paid tot eh General Fund of the American Samoa Government Treasury be placed in a Special Account earmarked for ASG's matching portion of Department of Interiors required maintenance set-aside for capital improvements projects.
An Order Directing Reduction of Working Hours
EO # 008-1998
Working Hours
Amended by EO 009-1998, Repealed by EO 010-1998
Reduce the works hours of ASG employees from 40 hours a week to 30 hours a week.
An Order Amending the ORder Director Reduction of Working Hours Exempting Certain ASG Employees by Adding to the List of Exempt Employees.
EO # 009-1998
Working Hours
EO 008-2021
Amends EO 008-1998, Repealed by EO 010-1998
Reduce the working hours of all ASG Employees excepting certain employees.
An Order REscinding EO No. 08-1998, and 09-1998
EO # 010-1998
Working Hours
EO 008-1998, EO 009-2021
Repeals EO 008-1998 and EO 009-1998
Restore full working day all for all American Samoa Government Employees that were affected by the reduction of working hours.
EO # 011-1998
Amended by EO 007-2006
An Order Establishing the Anti-Litter and Animal Control Task Force Committee
EO # 012-1998
Animal Control Task Force
Establishing an Anti-Litter and Animal Control Task Force Committee in American Samoa for the purpose of promoting a clean and litter free environment for our future generations, leading up to the year 2000 and beyond and promoting responsible animal control policies.
An Order Declaring an Emergency by Reason of the Existence of a Drought
EO # 013-1998
State of Emergency
A.S.A.C. §25.0465
This Order Declares an emergency by reason of the Existence of a Drought.
An Order Establishing the American Samoa State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee
EO # 014-1998
State Occupational Information Coordinating Committe (SOICC)
Amended by EO 015-1998
The implementation and occupational information system in the territory which will meet the common needs for planning and the operation of programs administered by the JTPA program. They will use the occupational inofrmation system to implement a career information delivery system.
An Act Amending Executive Order No. 14-1998 Establishing the American Samoa State Occupatinoal Information Coordinating Committee (SOICC)
EO # 015-1998
State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (SOICC)
Amends EO 014-1998
This Order Implements an Occupational information system in the territory which will meet the common needs for plannig and the operation of programs administered by the JTPA program. They will use the occupational information system to implement a career information delivery system.
An Order Amending Executive Order No. 04-1996 Relating to the Establishment of the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement (OTICIDE)
EO # 016-1998
A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Amended by EO 017-1998 and EO 004-1996. Rescinded by EO 004-2004
Amend and supplement Executive Order No. 04-1996 to clarify the purpose of OTICIDE, to clarify investigation reporting procedures and to amend the composition of the OTICIDE Policy Board.
An Order Amending Executive Order No. 16-1998 Relating to the Establishment of the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Enforcement (OTICIDE)
EO # 017-1998
A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Amends EO 016-1998 and EO 004-1996, Rescinded by EO 004-2004
Repealed the Section 3 of EO 16-1998. Now the purpose of OTICIDE remains as it was originally stated in EO 04-1996.
An Order Establishing the American Samoa Veterans Advisory Council
EO # 018-1998
Advisory Council
Advise Governor on all matters regarding the health and welfare of the Veterans who reside in American Samoa.
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