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EO - 2004
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An Order imposing an export duty on clothing garments exported from American Samoa and destined for importation into the United States.
EO # 001-2004
Clothing Duty
A.S.C.A. §11.1501
Expired 12/31/2004 pursuant to A.S.C.A. §11.1501
Imposed and export duty of one percent (1%) of the declared value on any clothing garments exported from American Samoa destined for importation into the United States customs area.
An Order granting temporary authority for the Acting Chief Procurement Officer to approve emergency Procurement contracts.
EO # 002-2004
Procurement Office
A.S.C.A. §§12.0213, 26.0105(g), and 4.0131
Gives the Acting Chief Procurement Officer the authority to approve emergency procurement contracts for repair of damage to public facilities inflicted by Hurricane Heta up to $50,000.00 in amount.
EO # 003-2004
An Order reorganizing the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement (OTICIDE) as the Leading Investigative Agency for Illegal Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking.
EO # 004-2004
Rescinds EO 004-1996, EO 016-1998, EO 17-1998, and EO 001-2003, Supressed in part by A.S.C.A. §8.0105 (PL 30-35)
This Order reorganizes and designate the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement (OTICIDE) as the leading investigate agency for illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking affecting the Territory.
An Order Transferring Department of Port Administration Procurement Authority to the Office of Procurement and Revoking EO No. 004-1999 and No. 005-2001
EO # 005-2004
Department of Port Administration Office of Procurement
A.S.C.A §12.0209
Repeals EO 004-1999 and EO 005-2001
Gives Procurement Office Authority to grant the Department of Port Administration virtue of those orders.
An Order Establishing the Capital Improvement Projects Committee
EO # 006-2004
Capital Improvement Projects Committee
A.S.C.A. §4.0302
Amended by EO 002-2013; Repeals all previous EO on subject matter
Establish Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) Committee which shall discharge and assume different responsibilities.
An Order Directing all Departments, Agencies and Offices of the American Samoa Government to coordinate all efforts for protecting the Employment Status of any ASG Employee Deployed abroad as active Duty Military Personnel.
EO # 007-2004
Protecting Employment Status
A.S.C.A. 4.0302, A.S.A.C. §4.0507
This Order effectuates protections for all employees of the ASG who are, and will by subject to deployment abroad as active duty military personnel.
An Order Waving certain Taxes on Sales of Diesel to Commercial Fishing Vessels and Amending Executive Order No. 05-1996
EO # 008-2004
Fishing Vessels
A.S.C.A §§ 4.0302(a), 11-1002, 11.1003 and 26.1607
Amends EO 05-1996
Waives the excise tax imposed by A.S.C.A. §11.1002 (a)(4)(B) on all sales of diesel fuel iol to all commercial fishing vessels. Commercial Fishing Vessels shall be defined to include all purseseiners and longliners engaged in commercial fishing in excess of five tons dead weight, plus reefers or "Mothers Ship" that are used to transship fish products, plu diessel fuel tankers that provide fuel at sea to the commercial fishing vessels.
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