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EO - 2011

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
An order creating the Governor's Children's Cabinet on Early Childhood Education and Care
EO # 001-2011
Cabinet on Early Childhood Education
"Constitution and law of this Territory and in accordance with Public Law 110-134"
Creates the Governor's Children's Cabinet on Early Childhood Education and Care
An Order Creating the Shipyard Services Authority; Providing for a board of directors and defining its powers, duties and responsibilities.
EO # 002-2011
Marine Railway
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0111
Amended by EO 006-2013
Created and delegates authority to the Shipyard Services Authority's division, Water Transportation Division.
An Order Establishing and Enabling the Territorial Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Group
EO # 003-2011
Climate Change
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0111
Creates the Territorial Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Group to help mitigate the impacts of global climate change.
An Order adopting the American Samoa revision and update of the Territory Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
EO # 004-2011
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§4.0111 and 26.0105
Updates the Territory Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan dated July 11, 2011
An order placing one year moratorium on the enforcement of asca 31.0424
EO # 005-2011
Moritorium on enforcement
A.S.C.A. §§31.1002(a) & 31.0424
Suspended enforcement for one year/
An order locating the State Medicaid Office from the American Samoa Center Authority to the Office of the Governor and providing for the overall functions, duties and responsibilities of the Office.
EO # 006-2011
State Medicaid Office
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0111
Amended by EO 013-2013
Establishment of the State Medicaid Office.
An order amending paragraph 3 of Executive Order 016-2020 to allow for one, single incremental salary increase for Government Employees for fiscal year 2012
EO # 007-2011
Increment increase
A.S.A.C. §4.0409
Amends EO 016-2010
Incremental salary increases allowance for career service employees in ASG
An order rescinding Executive Order NO. 004-2008 and returning the emergency medical services unit of th department of Public Safety to the Amrican Samoa Medical Center Authority
EO # 008-2011
Department of Public Safety
Article IV, Section 6, AS reviosed Constitution and Title 4 Chapter 01, A.S.C.A. §4.0111(b); A.S.A.C. §11.0401
Repeals EO 004-2008
Transfer of EMS Unit from ASG Human Resources to American Samoa Medical Center Authority.

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©2023 by Secretary of American Samoa.

Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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