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EO - 2014

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
An order extending the right to counsel to Indigent persons at Parole application hearings and authorizing the office of the Public Defender to provide Legal Representation at such hearings to persons determined to be Indigent.
EO # 001-2014
Indigent Prsons Parole Application
Artilce IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of American Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0111; A.S.A.C. §§42.0132 and 42.0133
The purpose of this executive order is assist in improving the quality of the criminal justice system in American Samoa by extending the right to counsel granted by Chapter 10, Section 46.1001 of the American Samoa Code Annotated to indigent persons convicted of a crime or crimes by the District Court or High Court of American Samoa, are imprisoned and come for a parole application hearing before the board of parole.
An Order Amending Executive ORder No. 03-2012 to Modify the American Samoa Climate Change Mitigation Rules Pertaining to the Prohibition of Phosphates in Detergents.
EO # 002-2014
Climate Change
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of American Samoa, A.S.C.A. §4.0111
Amends EO 03-2012
Relaxes the complete ban on phosphates in detergents because almost all detergants have trace amounts of phosphates.
Executive Order creating a Task Force to develop an Animal Care and Control Program to reduce problems associated with stray dogs and cats in the territory.
EO # 003-2014
Animal Care and Control Program
Article IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of Am. Samoa, A.S.C.A. §4.011
To develop Animal Care and Control Program and to facilitate the implementation of its goals and objections of reduction problems associated with stray dogs and cats within the territory.
An order Establishing a Moratorium on the Importation of Unaltered Cats and Dogs
EO # 004-2014
Importation of Unaltered Cats and Dogs
Artile IV, §§ 6 and 7 of the revised Constitution of American Samoa, A.S.A.C. §24.0317; A.S.C.A. §4.0303
Regulates the importation of Unaltered Pets in an effort to control the population of stray animals.
Extension of Moratorium on taking and removing Sea Cucumbers
EO # 005-2014
Sea Cucumber
ASCA 24.0304
Revised Moratorium on taking and removing Sea Cucumbers
An order extending the existence of the Territorial Office of Fiscal Reform (TOFR); Renaming TOFR to "Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management: (ODAPM); Re-Establishing the REsponsibilities of ODAPM and Amending Executive ORders NO. 006-2006, 003-2003, and 01-2000
EO # 006-2014
Territorial Office of Fiscal Reform (TOFR) to Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management (ODAPM)
Amends EOs 006-2006, 003-2003, and 01-2000
Responsible with ASG FEMA Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation. ASG Disaster Property Insurance Program. Office of Petroleum Management cooperation of the fuel facility.
An order creating the Island Wide Cleanup Committee to develop and implement a strategic cleanup plan for the territory
EO # 007-2014
Island Wide Cleanup Committee
Amended by EO 001-2015
Develop and implement a strategic cleanup plan for the territory

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©2023 by Secretary of American Samoa.

Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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