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30th Legislature

Public Law No
Date approved
P.L. 30-01
1st Regular
An Act reauthorizing the temporary establishment of the “Family, Drug and Alcohol Court” Pilot project for an additional three (3) year period, and wit approval of the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, making the Family, Drug, and Alcohol Court a permanent Division of the High Court by later repealing Section 3.0505 A.S.C.A.; Recreating Chapter 5 under Title 3 A.S.C.A.
March 8, 2007
P.L. 30-02
1st Regular
An Act appropriating the sum of $1.044,00 to supplement the FY-2007 Budget for the provision of funding for American Samoa Government operations for Fiscal Year 2007.
April 7, 2007
P.L. 30-03
1st Regular
An Act appropriating the sum of $60,000 from the budget of the Department of Legal Affairs, Claims and Damages Fund NO. 100790, to pay in full the settlement agreement entered into as a Resolution of a Tort Claim brought by Lynette and Roderick Atafua against the American Samoa Government and L.B.J. Tropical Medical Center
April 7, 2007
P.L. 30-04
1st Regular
An Act amending the ratio of the Aggregate Guarantees of the Development Bank of American Samoa to tis capital and surplus; amending Section 28.0105 A.S.C.A.
April 3, 2007
P.L. 30-05
1st Regular
An Act authorizing the American Samoa Government to enter into a Loan Agreement with The American Samoa Government Employees Retirement Fund; appropriating monies for the repayment of such loan and identifying the sources of funding; authorizing the use of loan proceeds to finance the acquisition, equipping and renovation of Capital Improvements and Programs; adjusting the cap on ASGERF investments and loans to the American Samoa Government; appropriating revenue and identifying the source of funding; and providing for an early effective date; amending Section 7.1444, 11.1002, and 27.1014 A.S.C.A.; creating a Section 7.1444.5 A.S.C.A. and repealing Section 7.1444.3 A.S.C.A.
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April 23, 2007
P.L. 30-06
1st Special
An Act appropriating the sum of $900,000 to supplement the FY-2007 Budget to fund the American Samoa Government operations.
May 10, 2007
P.L. 30-07
1st Special
An Act authorizing the issuance of Guest Worker Permits by the Attorney General for employees of the Fish Canneries and Call Center; establishing the special requirements and limitation, and gives the Governor of American Samoa the authority to place a moratorium on the issuance of such permits; amending Sections 41.0301 and 41.0410 A.S.C.A.; and creating a Chapter 09 under Title 41 A.S.C.A.
May 30, 2007
P.L. 30-08
1st Special
An Act authorizing the American Samoa Medical Center Authority (ASMCA) to borrow $1.7 Million pursuant to Public Law 29-21; amending Section 7.1444.4 A.S.C.A. and providing for an early effective date.
June 5, 2007
P.L. 30-09
1st Regular
An Act reprogramming the amount of $578,500 from unexpended and unobligated revenues to certain Executive Agencies and Special Programs in order to provide specific funding for the Legislature and Governor’s Office; and providing for an early effective date.
September 26, 2007
P.L. 30-10
1st Regular
An Act appropriating funds from the Special Revenue Account No. 102214512 for the purchase and outfitting of four new vehicles for the Department of Public Safety, and providing for an early effective date.
September 25, 2007
P.L. 30-11
1st Regular
An Act establishing a new Public Health Law for American Samoa; repealing the preceding Public Health Act and establishing the American Samoa Emergency Powers Act; creating a new Chapter 02 and 03 under Title 13 A.S.C.A.; and repealing Chapters 02 and 03 currently under Title 13 A.S.C.A.
September 26, 2007
P.L. 30-12
1st Regular
An Act providing for the appropriation of the American Samoa Government Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2008 and for an early effective date.
September 29, 2007
P.L. 30-13
3rd Regular
An Act appropriating funds from the interest earned from the American Samoa Community College Land Grant Endowment Fund for the purchase and implementation of a computer network system at the American Samoa Community College, and providing for an early effective date.
September 28, 2008
P.L. 30-14
3rd Regular
An Act expanding the designation of Capital Project approved for funding with proceeds of the American Samoa Government Loan Authorized by P.L. No. 30-5; amending Section 7.1444.5 A.S.C.A.; and providing for an early effective date.
April 10, 2008
P.L. 30-15
3rd Regular
An Act establishing the American Samoa Visitors Bureau as an Agency of the American Samoa Government within the Executive Branch, and as the leading government entity for the promotion of American Samoa as a tourist destination in order to increase the contribution of tourism to the economy, by facilitating the development of a competitive and profitable tourism industry, through the creation of tourism sensitive policies, and regulating tourism as it impacts Samoan Culture and way of life; renaming Title 17 A.S.C.A. to provide for the placement of the Visitor’s Bureau; amending Subtitle Heading Under 17 A.S.C.A.; and creating a New Chapter 06 in said Title.
April 25, 2008
P.L. 30-16
3rd Regular
An Act prohibiting underage persons from consuming or possessing beer or other alcoholic beverages; prohibiting consumption or possession of such beverages in certain places; and providing penalties and procedures for violations; amending Section 27.0532 A.S.C.A.
April 25, 2008
P.L. 30-17
3rd Regular
An Act appropriating the sum of $147,230 Dollars, plus post judgement interest, from the budget of the Department of Legal Affairs, Claims and Damages Fund no. 100790 for the payment of an outstanding judgement entered by the High court of American Samoa on September 21, 2006, in the case of Leasuasu Tupono v. American Samoa Government, Civil Action No. 100-2003
May 1, 2008
P.L. 30-18
3rd Regular
An Act modernizing the Notary Public Office by establishing rules, procedures, guiding principles, defining duties and responsibilities, and providing for sanctions for Notaries Public of the Territory of American Samoa, and to assure the integrity of documents essential to commercial and legal transactions; amending Sections 4.0604 A.S.C.A.A.; and creating a New Chapter 03 under Title 31 A.S.C.A.
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May 2, 2008
P.L. 30-19
3rd Regular
An Act providing for absentee registration for Uniformed Services Voters desiring to register as qualified Electors and cast ballots in Elections for the Office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor of American Samoa and Representative to the American Samoa House of Representative; amending Section 6.0214 A.S.C.A.; and providing for an early effective date.
May 19, 2008
P.L. 30-20
3rd Regular
An Act providing for the reclassification of Teachers in the Territory and for the Certification Board, outlining certifications and minimum requirements, requiring rules to be promulgated by the Director of education, outlining exceptions, authorizing the charging of fees, setting forth the official teacher pay scale, appropriating revenue to pay for the reclassification and identifying the source of funding; amending Section 16.1001 A.S.C.A.; and creating Sections 16.1003 and 16.1004 A.S.C.A.
May 19, 2008
P.L. 30-21
3rd Regular
An Act amending the Notary Act of 2007, Public Law No. 30-18, to clarify its provisions; amending Section 31.0337 A.S.C.A.; and repealing Section 31.0366 A.S.C.A.; and providing for an early effective date.
September 12, 2008
P.L. 30-22
3rd Regular
An Act increasing the civil jurisdiction of the District of Court of American Samoa; clarifying the arrest warrant powers of the District Court Judge; and increasing the maximum detention limit for Misdemeanor Probationers; amending Section 3.0208, 3.0302, 46.0803, 46.0804, 46.0807 and 46.2206 A.S.C.A.
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September 19, 2008
P.L. 30-23
3rd Regular
An Act appropriating the sum of $849,000.00. From unobligated and unexpended revenues from Fiscal Year 2008 to supplement the FY 2008 Budget.
September 27, 2008
P.L. 30-24
3rd Regular
An Act appropriating the sum of $1,300,00. To fund the American Samoa Medical Center Authority Off-Island Medical Referral Program for overruns in Fiscal Year 2007.
September 27, 2008
P.L. 30-25
3rd Regular
A Bill for an Act entitled: “An Act providing for the appropriation of the American Samoa Government Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2009 and for an early effective date.
September 30, 2008
P.L. 30-26
3rd Regular
An Act appropriating funds from the Special Revenue Account No. 1002214512 for the purchase and outfitting of two new vehicles for the vehicles from the Department of Public Safety, and providing for an early effective date.
October 26, 2008
P.L. 30-27
3rd Regular
An Act establishing an Economic Development Fund administered by the Development Bank of American Samoa designating the excess revenues of the Income Tax Reserve Account as its funding source; amending Section 11.0407 A.S.C.A., creating a new Section 28.0108 A.S.C.A.; and renumbering Sections 28.008, 28.0109, 28.0110 and 28.0111 A.S.C.A.
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October 26, 2008
P.L. 30-28
3rd Regular
An Act increasing the Annuities for Retirees; amending Sections 7.1442 A.S.C.A.
October 26, 2008
P.L. 30-29
3rd Regular
An Act expanding the designation of Capital Projects approved for funding with proceeds of the American Samoa Government Loan authorized by P.L. No. 30-5 and P.L. 30-14; providing for specific project expenditure amounts; providing certain fiscal control measures for expenditure of loan proceeds; amending Section 7.1444.5 A.S.C.A.
October 29, 2008
P.L. 30-30
3rd Regular
An Act making taxable the Office Expense Allowance at the Election of each Legislator; Amending Section 2.0104 A.S.C.A.
October 31, 2008
P.L. 30-31
3rd Special
An Act appropriating the sum of $320,000 from unbudgeted and unexpended revenues from Fiscal Year 2009 to supplement the FY 2009 Budget.
December 18, 2008
P.L. 30-32
3rd Special
An Act appropriating the sum of $180,000 dollars from unbudgeted and unexpended revenues of FY 2009 for the payment of settlements ordered by the High Court of American Samoa, Trial Division, on April 5, 2007, in the cases of Samilin v. American Samoa Government, Civil Action No. 94-1003 and Jamison v. American Samoa Government, Civil Action No. 75.2003.
December 22, 2008
P.L. 30-33
3rd Special
An Act providing End-Of-Life Health Care Guidelines, providing for advanced directives, Health Care Surrogates, and for other purposes; creating a Chapter 08 under Title 13 A.S.C.A.
December 22, 2008
P.L. 30-34
3rd Special
An Act expanding the designation of Capital Projects approved for funding with proceeds of The American Samoa Government Loan Authorized by P.L. No. 30-5, P.L. No. 30-14, and P.L. No. 30-29; providing for specific project Expenditure amount; amending Section 7.1444.5 A.S.C.A.
December 22, 2008
P.L. 30-35
3rd Special
An Act creating the American Samoa Department of Homeland Security, consolidating within this Department the Office of Vital Statistics, the Territorial Emergency Management Coordination Office, the Territorial Office of Homeland Security and the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement, amending Sections 4.0301, 4.0330, 26.0105 and 26.0106, A.S.C.A.; creating a New Title 8 A.S.C.A.
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January 5, 2009
P.L. 30-36
3rd Special
An Act strengthening enforcement of Customs Laws and Regulations in the Territory; amending Section 27.1001, A.S.C.A.; amending and Renumbering Sections 27.1002, 27.1007, 27.1014, 27.1015, and 27.1023 A.S.C.A.; renumbering Sections 27.1001.0, 27.1003, 27.1004, 27.1005, 27.1006, 27.1008, 27.1009, 27.1010, 27.1011, 27.1012, 27.1013, 27.1016, 27.1017, 27.1018, 27.1019, 27.1020, 27.1021, 27.1022, 27.1024, 27.1025, 27.1026, 27.1027, 27.1028, 27.1029, 27.1030, and 27.1031 A.S.C.A.; and creating Sections 27.1004, 27.1005, 27.1011, 27.1020, 27.1033, 27.1034, 27.1035, 27.1036, 27.1041, 27.1042, 27.1043, 27.1044, and 27.1045 A.S.C.A.
January 9, 2009

(684) 633-OSAS (6727)

Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

©2023 by Secretary of American Samoa.

Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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